My Daily Beast Article: Busting a Cyberstalker: How Carla Franklin Fought Back—and Triumphed

In October of 2012, I was honored to have my fight against cyber-harassment covered by the Daily Beast.  I have since become an advocate for improvements in legislation and enforcement of laws already on the books, in regards to online harassment and stalking.


I remember feeling stunned, then sick. Sitting at my desk at a New York City consulting firm in 2009, I had randomly Googled my name. The jarring result: a series of strange montages on YouTube—all containing snapshots of me, along with the label “whore.” The photos, cobbled together from various corners of the Internet, were shots from a beauty pageant and a few acting jobs I had held in the past, when I was signed with a regional modeling agency. My mind raced. Who hated me this much to post these things? Who would call me a whore?  Read more here…