Friday Flashback: Funkin’ for Jamaica #OldSchool

Warning: This song features a real singer with real musicians. No autotune. No synthesizers. No “DJ Samples”. Just original music, by real people with actual talent. This video was featured on MTV when it only featured music videos.

I love this song, Funkin’ for Jamaica (NY), by Tom Browne (circa 1981). It features 2 of my favorite instruments: The Trumpet and the Bass Guitar.

Friday Flashback: Run DMC and Aerosmith

#BackInTheDay, in the 1980s, before #autotune made the voices of the untalented tolerable…when MTV actually played music videos…and guys walked around with boom boxes that played tape cassettes  (a relic from the 80s)…and girls coiffed their hair into gravity defying sculptures…and Dynasty and Dallas rules the TV airwaves , the music was so much better.  This collaboration by Run DMC and Aerosmith is one of the BEST in the past 30 years.  This song united hip-hop heads, and hard rockers.  I miss good music.