Stomping out cyberbullying: Submit the Documentary

I’m so excited to announce my new partnership with an anti-cyberbullying organization whose mission is to stop cyberabuse among teens and young adults.
Submit the Documentary” is a social-digital movement, uniting educators, law makers, advocates, teens, adults and cyberbullying survivors in an effort to create positive social change. Through my work with “Submit the Documentary“, I hope to increase awareness about the damage that cyberbullying does to teens and young adults, and help improve legislation to protect those victimized by it.  The video trailer above is just a preview of what’s to come and is intended to inspire dialog and debate.  Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about this amazing new social movement…

That’s Public Relations

PR Strategy Carla Franklin

“If a young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is – that’s advertising. If the young man tells his date she’s intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he’s saying the right things to the right person and that’s marketing. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is – that’s PR.”

– S.H. Simmons

Ratchet or Refined? Dill Pickled flavored sunflower seeds

20130324-164751.jpg While perusing a local bodega in the city, I ran across a new flavor of sunflower seed. The Southerner in me was instantly draw to them. I mean, Dill Pickles + sunflower seeds?!?! What an amazing combination….a delicacy in which to behold and delight! However, my sophisticated New York transplant alter ego questioned the ratchetness of this snack. While some might deem this flavor of sunflower seeds as being “country as hell”, I ultimately decided to try them, and was very pleased. So, what say you friends? Are dill flavored sunflower seeds ratchet or refined?

I will be sharing my on thoughts shortly on the Steubenville rape, and the culture that supported threatening and blaming the 16 year old victim, while excusing the behavior of the perpetrators, but wanted to reblog this post, which beautifully analyzes the rape culture surrounding this incident.

Neliza Drew

Trigger warning: Proceed with caution.

The verdict is in for the two Steubenville teens that CNN seems to feel sorry for. Twitter is a mixture of rape apologists and people angry at said apologists. Facebook is probably still all cat pictures or shamrocks and Pinterest, I’m sure, is still largely flowers, baking, and projects even Martha Stewart wouldn’t try. At any rate, here are my two cents:

I’ve spent the past seven years listening to teen girls tell me or tell each other about being raped, molested, or assaulted. It’s so often a gateway to their criminal or drug activity. I’ve also heard too many times about their stripping, hooking, drug use, and older “boyfriends” who are sometimes encouraged to “date” them by their own mothers. This is not technically part of my job description. It falls into that category of being there for the students and trying to find out…

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Discussion on Black Twitter activism at SXSW


Amazing panel on the phenomena of “Black Tweeting” at the South by Southwest interactive SXSWi festival today. So honored to have heard Prof. Mark Anthony Neal speak on how Twitter revolutionized activism for black people in the modern world. However, with “the revolution”comes “the ratchet”…and so continues the evolution of technology. How do we find balance in the use/ misused of new technology? The debate continues.

Remembering Mama Africa – Miriam Makeba

Remembering Mama Africa - Miriam Makeba

Today, March 4, 2013, would have been Miriam Makeba’s 81st birthday.  On this day, I honor and remember this fellow Piscean…this warrior woman, who not only fought for civil rights of black South Africans, but also inspired generations of music lovers around the world with her music and beauty.  You are missed dearly Mama Africa…Ashe