I will be sharing my on thoughts shortly on the Steubenville rape, and the culture that supported threatening and blaming the 16 year old victim, while excusing the behavior of the perpetrators, but wanted to reblog this post, which beautifully analyzes the rape culture surrounding this incident.

Neliza Drew

Trigger warning: Proceed with caution.

The verdict is in for the two Steubenville teens that CNN seems to feel sorry for. Twitter is a mixture of rape apologists and people angry at said apologists. Facebook is probably still all cat pictures or shamrocks and Pinterest, I’m sure, is still largely flowers, baking, and projects even Martha Stewart wouldn’t try. At any rate, here are my two cents:

I’ve spent the past seven years listening to teen girls tell me or tell each other about being raped, molested, or assaulted. It’s so often a gateway to their criminal or drug activity. I’ve also heard too many times about their stripping, hooking, drug use, and older “boyfriends” who are sometimes encouraged to “date” them by their own mothers. This is not technically part of my job description. It falls into that category of being there for the students and trying to find out…

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Discussion on Black Twitter activism at SXSW


Amazing panel on the phenomena of “Black Tweeting” at the South by Southwest interactive SXSWi festival today. So honored to have heard Prof. Mark Anthony Neal speak on how Twitter revolutionized activism for black people in the modern world. However, with “the revolution”comes “the ratchet”…and so continues the evolution of technology. How do we find balance in the use/ misused of new technology? The debate continues.

Great article. In life we must take [what appears to be] the good with [what appears to be] the bad. We must embrace the Ying and the Yang…the balance…in order to grow, to improve ourselves and to become better. Dealing with and learning from rejection helps to build our mental strength, and prepares us for the path that we were meant to walk.

Stonecoast MFA in Creative Writing Blog

By Aaron Hamburger

I’m an avid tennis player, so last summer when one of my partners canceled our game at the last minute, I thought I would get some extra practice by hitting shots against the wall of a nearby handball court.  Yet, after a few minutes of hitting, I became frustrated.  The reason?  I couldn’t tell whether my shots were any good because there was no net.

While in the middle of a heated tennis match, I don’t exactly feel warmth for the net, particularly when it snags a ball that would have been a brilliant winning shot against my opponent.  In fact, in such cases, I have been known to give that net a good hard smack with my racquet.

And yet once the net was gone, I keenly felt its absence.

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Great article on stalking and the importance of trusting your gut.

shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows

Trigger warning: predatory behaviour, creepiness, sexual assault.

Yesterday, I read this account of creepy stalking behaviour retold by a woman whose husband had witnessed it first-hand and subsequently described the incident to her in detail. During the course of her husband’s recitation, the woman asked him what she refers to as The Question, capitalised because, once asked, he stopped seeing the creeper as simply being awkward and inappropriate and started seeing him as frightening and potentially dangerous. And as I was reading, something clicked in my head regarding an incident which, approximately sixteen years ago, left me deeply unsettled, and which continues to unsettle me in memory. It’s not a story I’ve ever told more than once or twice, partly because even now, at the age of 26, I find it as difficult to articulate as I did at age 10, but mostly because, up until yesterday, I didn’t know how to…

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New beginings…new posts!

carla franklin new beginnings

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, primarily due to personal and professional matters on which I’ve been focused over the past year.  Starting today, I look forward to actively writing about my passions and interests, my work in anti-cyberharassment advocacy, and, occasionally, my thoughts on political and social matters.  I am celebrating new friendships…new opportunities…and new beginnings…and look forward to sharing my thoughts with you in the future.  Thanks for visiting my blog!